Illinois action blog

Friday, August 31, 2012

PPIA's Weekly Wrap-up

Everything that WE think YOU should know about this week in the world of reproductive health care, politics, women's rights, and beyond:

As the Republican National Convention ran this week, Think Progressive blogged minute-by-minute fact checks of the speeches.

During Romney's RNC acceptance speech, he remembers the aftermath to the 2008 election a little differently than most of us.

Planned Parenthood's 11-state bus tour made a big splash on the web this week.

An LGBTQ blogger went undercover at NOM's Anti-Gay Student Conference and uncovered some upsetting information.

Gender segregation in schools is found to be counter-productive and promotes harmful stereotypes.

Women are still being underrepresented in media coverage of the election.

Lidia Yuknavitch, author of the memoir The Chronology of Water, wrote a phenomenal piece about rape culture and male violence for

Bic markets a line of pens for women as "Bic for Her" and gets mocked by the internet community.

Have a great weekend!

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Weekly Wrap-up

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Power of Youth

Last weekend, Planned Parenthood of Illinois had the opportunity to send some amazing Illinois students and staff to the Youth Organizing & Policy Institute (YOPI) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.   This three-day event run by Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) was designed to provide young activists and emerging leaders across the Federation with organizing skills and issue information in the field of reproductive health and rights.  This year, the threats to sexual and reproductive health and rights aren’t just in Washington D.C., they are happening where we live. 

"The Youth Organizing and Policy Institute gave our youth advocates in Illinois an opportunity to develop a strong and successful campaign at their university. The students had the opportunity to evaluate ways to mobilize goals through using strategy and tactics," said Corbin, a PPIL staff member who attended. "This Michigan YOPI was more than campaign mobilization workshop, it allowed students to share stories, values, and ultimately understand the connectedness between our organization and surrounding communities."

PPFA believes strongly in the need to mobilize our nation's young people to be advocates for reproductive rights equality and other social equality issues. Events like YOPI don't just inform students, they give students the tools they need to return home and start organizing on their campus or within their community.

To stay informed on reproductive rights and other issues, subscribe to our action alerts on the right of the screen.  If you're interested in organizing on your campus or participating in events like the YOPI, check out our volunteer page.

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Give Your Choice a Voice: Thursday, August 30th

Join local women’s right advocates and the Chicago National Organization of Women (CNOW) for the second annual "Give Your Choice a Voice" event on Thursday 30 August from 6 to 9 p.m. at Heartland Café in Rogers Park.
 "Give Your Choice a Voice" is an interactive night of story-telling and music-listening. Activists, representatives from different women’s orgs and audience members will be telling their stories about the pill, abortion, fertility and reproductive rights. In between stories, local bands will play while the audience has a dialogue about reproductive rights and issues.
 If you are interested in telling a story or if you wish to submit a written story, please email
To see the list of bands playing or get more information, visit the Facebook event page.
We hope you can make it out!


This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood

Monday, August 27, 2012

Paul Ryan: Wrong for Women

Earlier in August, Mitt Romney announced his VP selection as Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan.  In the time since, this election has garnered some not-so-surprising internet hype: Ryan has been praised, scorned, turned into a meme, and compared to Eddie Munster by various news sources, bloggers, and internet trend-setters.  

With all of these opinions surfacing, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action thought it important to let Illinois know Ryan's terrible record when it comes to women, health care, and reproductive rights:

- Ryan has a 0% voting record when it comes to voting in favor of providing women with access to health care, birth control, and other services.

-Ryan voted to defund Planned Parenthood which would have denied over 3 million men and women access to birth control and cancer screenings.

-Ryan firmly believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned so as to ban abortion, with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

-Ryan sponsored a "Personhood" bill, a dangerous measure that could outlaw various forms of birth control and fertilization treatments.

-Ryan's budget would dismantle Medicare, jeopardizing health care coverage for the millions who rely on its services.

-Ryan would see the Affordable Care Act repealed, denying countless services to women across the nation including cancer screenings, birth control, well-woman check-ups, and other preventative measures.

We knew Romney was staunchly against women's rights, but the addition of Paul Ryan to the ticket has made this election clearer than ever: A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against choice and a vote against women.

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Paul Ryan

Friday, August 24, 2012

Women are Watching Bus Tour: Lincolnshire

As many of you may know, Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF) held a rally in Lincolnshire on Wednesday as part of their Women are Watching bus tour. PPAF's big pink bus has been trekking across the nation to raise awareness about what's at stake for women health in November and mobilize people to vote for their own interests.

With a turnout of nearly 100, we were very happy to see so many of our supporters out there! Gathering at the United Auto Workers parking lot on 680 Barclay Blvd, voters sent a clear message to Romney, Ryan, and any other politician that thinks opposing women's health will help them in the coming election. This year, women will decide the outcome of elections across the country, and are watching very closely to ensure that they elect candidates who will protect women’s health care.

“Politicians who would defund Planned Parenthood — as Mitt Romney has pledged to do — would deny millions of women access to birth control and cancer screenings,” said Pam Sutherland, vice president of public policy for Planned Parenthood Illinois Action. “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan clearly don’t understand that women and families will be directly hurt by their out-of-touch views.”

Efforts to eliminate access to birth control, cancer screenings, and basic preventive health services started in Congress 18 months ago. Now we’re seeing cuts and attacks that put women’s health at risk in states like Texas — which is a preview of the Romney-Ryan plan for America.  The Women are Watching campaign's primary goal is to make voters aware of such obvious attacks on women's health, and to stop anti-women candidates in their tracks.

Nearly three million patients come to Planned Parenthood health centers every year, including 60,000 patients in Illinois — not to make a political statement but to get high-quality, affordable health care. More than 90 percent of the services Planned Parenthood provides are preventive, including breast and cervical cancer screenings, STI tests/treatments, birth control services, and more.

These are basic economic issues for women and families, and supporting family planning is smart fiscal policy for the country.

In Illinois, legislators attempted to make into law a medically unnecessary ultrasound bill designed to make a woman’s decision about her abortion onerous, complicated, and punitive. Legislators also prevented a bill that would have required public schools to teach medically accurate, age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, despite the fact that this form of sex education has proven to decrease the rate of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among young people.

“We still face serious threats in Illinois,” said Sutherland. “We need to re-elect pro-family planning and pro-women’s health care legislators who will stand up for women in Illinois and across the nation."

With the turnout this week, we know many of you understand the importance of this election.  But the race is far from over.  We urge all voters who see the violations against women to continue to take a stand for women's health throughout the next three months.

Watch out for more events by following us on our social media outlets and on this blog.  You can also check out our friends at Citizen Action Illinois and the Campaign for Better Health Care.

Visit our Facebook page to see more photos from the Women Are Watching tour.

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood

Monday, August 20, 2012

Planned Parenthood of Illinois Expands Breast Cancer Screening Efforts

Planned Parenthood of Illinois announced today that it is expanding its education, outreach, and services for breast health to patients across Illinois. The announcement is part of a nationwide expansion of Planned Parenthood’s breast health programs, made possible by an outpouring of donations from the public after the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation changed its grantmaking policies because of intense pressure from political groups and then quickly reversed course earlier this year.

 For many years, Planned Parenthood of Illinois has been a trusted provider of breast cancer screening for women across Illinois. Last year, Planned Parenthood of Illinois provided breast cancer screening for 13,940 women. Nationwide, Planned Parenthood health centers provide breast cancer screening for nearly 750,000 women each year.

The expanded breast health program will give more women access to lifesaving cancer screenings, diagnostic services, and educational resources to help them identify potential breast health issues early, and make the best decisions about their health care.

“At Planned Parenthood, we are committed to removing the barriers that stand in the way of women obtaining recommended screenings for breast cancer,” said Carole Brite, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Illinois. “Whether it’s a clinical exam, necessary follow-up services like biopsies or ultrasounds, or information about their options — we’re thrilled that we can provide more patients in Illinois with vital screenings and follow-up care.”

As a trusted provider of health care to more than 60,000 patients a year, Planned Parenthood of Illinois has a deep understanding of the challenges patients often face in seeking out care. When it comes to following up on breast abnormalities, fear and cost are two of the most significant barriers.

Planned Parenthood of Illinois is addressing these barriers through its expanded breast health work, with an emphasis on several key program areas:

- When Planned Parenthood doctors and clinicians identify potential breast abnormalities in patients, they refer patients to their partners for diagnostic testing. As part of this expanded program, Planned Parenthood of Illinois was awarded a $25,000 grant from Planned Parenthood Federation of America to help cover some of the costs associated with follow-up care.

- Digital breast health educational resources specifically designed for and targeted to women ages 18-39.

- A unique tool to be specially designed for Planned Parenthood doctors and clinicians to assess breast cancer risk in patients — including those under 40. While breast cancer is rare among women under the age 40, when younger women are diagnosed they are more likely to be have a more aggressive form of breast cancer, making them more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage and less likely to survive the disease. The new tool made possible by the breast health initiative will be specifically designed to help Planned Parenthood health care professionals better assess breast cancer risk in patients — including those under 40.
Planned Parenthood of Illinois today encouraged women to schedule a regular check-up at a local Planned Parenthood health center, which includes recommended clinical breast exams that can help detect breast cancer early.

“We are stepping up our outreach and education efforts so that women from all backgrounds can take charge of their own health,” said Kai Tao, Vice President of Clinical Operations. “We know that understanding the risks and signs of breast cancer is the first step to early detection, and Planned Parenthood is a partner for women in Illinois in fighting this disease.”

These expanded services are particularly important for women of color in Illinois.

Studies show Hispanic Americans tend not to get screened for common cancers, such as breast cancer, as regularly as non-Hispanic whites. In addition, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among Latinas, and Hispanic women are 20 percent more likely to die from breast cancer when compared to non-Hispanic white women when diagnosed at a similar age and stage.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among African American women. It is also the second leading cause of cancer death among African American women, exceeded only by lung cancer. In 2011, an estimated 26,840 new cases of breast cancer and 6,040 deaths were expected to occur among African American women.

Planned Parenthood is a critical resource for women in the fight to detect breast cancer early. One in five women has turned to Planned Parenthood at some time in her life for health care.
All 17 Planned Parenthood of Illinois health centers will be providing expanded breast health services. To learn more, visit or call 800-230-PLAN.


This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Breast Cancer

Friday, August 17, 2012

PPIA's Weekly Wrap-up

Everything that WE think YOU should know about this week in the world of reproductive health care, politics, women's rights, and beyond:

Violence against women in Afghanistan is currently bad despite constitutional equal rights, and could get worse after U.S. troops leave in 2014.

Saudi Arabia plans to build a separate city for women so that they can work without being around men.

Texas funding attacks on Planned Parenthood do more harm to unaffiliated health centers providing essential health services to low-income women, forcing some women to travel to Mexico for health services.

A drug being used to treat cancer may be an effective male birth control pill.

Mary Gonzalez is set to be the first pansexual U.S. elected official.

Uganda, a country where homosexuality is outlawed, had its first pride parade.

A Muslim women sues Disney for not letting her wear a hijab.

Paul Ryan's selection as the GOP VP candidate was not well-received.

Schools in Mississippi send children to prison for... dress-code violations and flatulence?

Donald Trump is a hypocrite.

The CDC says that teen sex rates are down.

Gender roles for men seemed to be slightly different a century ago.

PPIA wishes you all a great weekend!

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA). PPIA is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL).

Connect with PPIA on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube.
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Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood

Friday, August 10, 2012

PPIA's Weekly Wrap-up

Everything that WE think YOU should know about this week in the world of reproductive health care, politics, women's rights, and beyond:

In the wake of the tragic Sikh temple shooting, Romney slipped up while offering his condolences, referring to a "Sheik" temple.

Leaders of the Komen Foundation, one of the nation's leading breast cancer advocacy groups, have announced their plans to leave the organization.

A public school in Louisiana is mandating that female students take pregnancy tests and kicking out anyone who tests positive or refuses.

A birth control gel is being developed...for men.

Iowan anti-choice attempts to stop Medicaid funding abortions in cases of incest or rape failed.

Harrods opened a new, gender-neutral toy store.

Texas doctors and advocates fight back against legislation proposing that doctors shouldn't give abortion counseling or advice to their patients.

Tea-partiers were disgusted by the use of the word "menstruation" while discussing birth control.

Colorado anti-choice advocates attempt their third personhood initiative.

The NFL has hired their first female referee.

Weekend plans? Tell us what you're up to in the comments!

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Female Condoms: Giving Women and Men the Power to Take Control of their own Health

Planned Parenthood of Illinois is joining the National Female Condom Coalition and others to raise awareness about the female condom and  help prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV.  The first ever Global Female Condom Day is being celebrated on September 12th.  In preparation for the exciting events that will be happening in communities around the world, we'd like to discuss some of the attributes of this contraceptive tool.

We know that all women's bodies are different; as such, different methods for preventing STDs and pregnancy work better for different people (in fact, you can find out which method of birth control is right for you using our interactive webpage).   We think that, if given accurate information about female condoms, many more women may decide that it's the correct form of contraception for them.

Female condoms are essentially a pouch slipped inside the vagina or anus prior to intercourse.  Just like male condoms, FCs are shaped like an open-ended tube. The main difference is that female condoms have two rings, instead of just one.  There’s a removable inner ring and an attached outer ring.  When used correctly, the female condom is effective in preventing pregnancy 95% of the time, and it dramatically decreases the risk of STDs for both partners.

Furthermore, female condoms offer some comparative benefits to other forms of contraceptives.  Female condoms are unique because they are the only barrier method that can be initiated by the receptive partner, which helps women and men take control of their own health.   They also act as a safe alternative for those with latex allergies, can be used with oil-based or water-based lubricants, and they do not require an erection for placement.  In fact, the female condom can be put in place well before sexual activity begins (although we don't recommend attempting to use the bathroom while wearing it!).

In addition to being sold at drugstores and supermarkets, female condoms are available at many Planned Parenthood health centers.  To find a center near you, use our health center finder.  For more specific information on female condom use or advantages, please visit our female condom factsheet.  Finally, check back with us on a later date to find out what kind of local activities PPIA is planning for Global Condom Awareness Day!

Do you recommend the use of female condoms?  Tell us what you like about them in the comments  below.

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action.


Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Female Condom, Women, STDs, Pregnancy

Friday, August 3, 2012

PPIA's Weekly Wrap-up

Everything that WE think YOU should know about this week in the world of reproductive health care, politics, women's rights, and beyond:

Gabby Douglas became the first African-American to win the Olympic gold in all-around women's gymnastics.

Affordable Care Act benefits kicked in August 1st,eliminating co-pay costs for many reproductive health services.  They even made an Affordable Care Act flash game!

A house republican compared the contraception mandate to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

Westboro Baptist Church got counter-protested by zombies.

Mitt Romney's campaign said some racist things.  Also, women don't like him.

Obama, on the other hand, promises to stand his ground on reproductive and abortion rights.

Pro-choice protesters take to the streets in Spain after an unfavorable election.

In the midst of controversy surrounding fast-food behemoth Chick-fil-A and their anti-gay rights endorsements, a lone Chick-fil-A in New Hampshire takes a stand against bigotry.

PPIA wishes you all a fantastic weekend!

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Affordable Care Act: Benefits to Women as of August 1st

Through the Affordable Care Act, Obama has ushered in a historic and groundbreaking change in the way we as a nation deal with healthcare. While some of the benefits of this overhaul of the healthcare system have already been actualized, today marks a very important day for women. A number of preventative health services will now be available through insurance coverage without co-pays. These services are:

Contraceptive methods and counseling
Well-woman visits
Counseling regarding sexually transmitted infections including HIV
Screening for HIV
DNA co-testing for HPV
Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling
Screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence
Screening for gestational diabetes

These services, now free of co-pay requirements, will be available to an estimated 47 million women through the Affordable Care Act. Despite the implementation date of August 1st, many non-private insurance providers will not be making an immediate change to all plans. Because finding out whether or not you are eligible for these services can be tricky, the National Women's Law Center has provided this guide to leaning about your healthcare. If you are running into trouble dealing with your healthcare provider, Consumer Assistance Programs are available for residents of many states.

As the nation’s leading women’s health care provider and advocate, Planned Parenthood knows firsthand how critical this benefit is for women and families. One in five women will rely on Planned Parenthood for medical services at some point in their lives, many of whom have struggled to pay for necessary health services when faced with other daily living costs. We at Planned Parenthood look forward to seeing the impacts of this landmark day, in the health of our collective society as its government provides due medical treatment and the smiles of woman receiving preventative health services without looming co-pays.

This is a phenomenal day for the U.S., for Obama, and for women across the nation; we hope you enjoy it.

What co-pay-free service is the most valuable to you? Tell us what you think about these new benefits in a comment!

This post was created by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action.
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