Illinois action blog

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Join PPIA at the Roe v. Wade 39th Anniversary Celebration!

Planned Parenthood Illinois Action will be hosting the Roe v. Wade 39th Anniversary Celebration on Tuesday, January 24th at Carnivale in Chicago.  We hope you can join us

In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision guaranteed a woman’s right to access abortion services. In 2011 we faced unprecedented attacks on women’s health care, access to abortion and Planned Parenthood, itself, by anti-choice, anti-family planning leadership in the federal and state arenas. Planned Parenthood Illinois Action is here to turn the tide and change the faces of Congress and the Illinois General Assembly. In these dangerous times we must protect Roe v. Wade even as we celebrate it.

Roe v. Wade 39th Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
5:30 VIP Reception
6:30 Celebration with food, drinks and music

Carnivale Restaurant

702 W Fulton St.
Chicago, IL
$5.00 valet service available
$39 Individual Ticket
$139 VIP Ticket – Admission to the VIP reception
$390 VIP Package – Admission for two to the VIP reception and listing in the program

Buy your tickets online here! We hope to see you there!

Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, events

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Teens, Know Your Rights!

Pop quiz – if you’re under the age of 18 in Illinois, which of these can you access without the need for parental consent?
- Contraception and pregnancy testing
- STI testing and treatment (if you’re over the age of 12)
- Abortion care
- All of the above
If you’re surprised to learn that the answer is #4, you’re in good company. According to a recent study by the University of Chicago Medical Center, many teens are unaware of the reproductive rights guaranteed to them by state law. Researchers surveyed a focus group of teen girls with a median age of 15 and found that 40% were unaware of their ability to obtain contraception without a parent and 18% didn’t know that they could obtain STI services – and a whopping 60% didn’t know that they could obtain abortion care without parental permission. While the authors of the study acknowledged that their respondents aren’t a representation of all Illinois teens, the survey’s findings still show that more can be done to educate teenagers on their reproductive rights.

While we here at Planned Parenthood firmly believe in the importance of parent-teen communication when it comes to sex, we also believe that it’s important for teens to know what they’re entitled to in terms of their reproductive health. These laws are in place in order to protect teens and to ensure timely health care access. A lack of knowledge is one of the biggest barriers teens face when it comes to caring for their health – and one that’s easily fixable. Parents, talking to your kids about how to make smart, healthy sexual decisions can make a big difference. And teens, why not brush up on your knowledge of reproductive rights?  Planned Parenthood is here to help.  Check out our education department to learn more.
Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, teens
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