Illinois action blog

Friday, June 29, 2012

ACA Rally Celebrates this Week's Victory

Yesterday, PPIL joined approximately 150 people in 100 degree heat in Chicago's Daley Plaza, praising the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act as a profound victory for American consumers. With this seminal Supreme Court decision, the constitutional debate over the law ended and the quest toward affordable and accessible healthcare moved triumphantly forward. Healthcare advocates said that 30 million more Americans can now be covered and that the worst insurance company abuses will become a relic of the past.

William McNary, co-director of Citizen Action/ Illinois, called on Illinois lawmakers to continue to press forward on health care reform, saying, “Today’s decision was a historic moment for affordable health care in Illinois. Now, our legislators must seize the opportunity to pass a high-quality health benefits exchange and restore the cuts made to family care by participating in the expansion of Meicaid. There should be no more excuses for inaction.”

Because the ruling was a resounding success for women, families, and the uninsured across Illinois and the nation, the tone of the rally was positively exuberant. Representatives from PPIL, as well as other health care advocacy organizations such as Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition and Access Living, gathered in Daley Plaza to hear speakers discuss the benefits Americans will observe throughout the coming months and years and recognize the work that still needs to be done. 

We would like to thank all the organizations and their supporters that attended this empowering event for their continued hard work in the battle for quality, affordable health care for all.  To keep updated on all future events, be sure to follow PPIA on facebook.

Have a great weekend!

Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, ACA, Citizen Action Illinois


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