Illinois action blog

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bedsider: A new resource center for birth control information

As you already know, we here at Planned Parenthood firmly believe that birth control is an essential part of basic health care for women. But we also know that between the pill, the patch, the ring, the IUD, the male condom, the female condom and the diaphragm – to name a few – birth control can sometimes seem anything BUT basic.

Luckily, a new online tool was launched this past week to help women aged 18-29 untangle the often-confusing world of birth control options. Bedsider, an application by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, helps women both to choose which method works best for them and to lean how to use their chosen method correctly and consistently. Each method of pregnancy prevention – including abstinence and emergency contraception – has its information broken down by effectiveness, side effects, effort, cost and accessibility, as well as tips and videos from real people who’ve used it in the past.

One you’ve got your method picked out, Bedsider allows you to make a personalized account, which you can fill in with reminders for doses or doctor’s appointments. Still want to learn more? Check out the section on sex fact and fiction or the one on birth control media coverage, or read “Frisky Fridays,” Bedsider’s weekly column on “sex, life, love and kicking ass" - and to see some truly hilarious PSA videos, click here.

Given that over half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, simply using birth control clearly isn’t enough. What’s important is using it correctly and consistently - and right now, that's a feat often easier said than done. We urge all women to brush up on their birth control knowledge, talk to their doctors and their partners. To meet with a health care provider about your birth control options, book an appointment at your local Planned Parenthood health center.

Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Bedsider


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