Illinois action blog

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Act Now on the Smith Bill!

When will the madness end? Planned Parenthood has had some amazing victories over the past few months, but there's still another extremely dangerous bill threatening the health and privacy of individuals in the US. This bill is H.R. 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion" Act. We've written about the Smith Bill before, and unfortunately this bill just hasn't gone away. The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on this legislation tomorrow, so it's imperative that we take action now.

Here are some of the horrendous guidelines imposed by H.R. 3, if passed:

-The IRS could conduct rape audits, meaning women will have to prove that they were raped in order to receive insurance coverage for an abortion.

-Women would be forced to report their abortions to their employers.

-The bill would deny abortion coverage for millions of low-income women, federal employees, and military women.

The Smith Bill has nothing to do with saving taxpayers' money--instead, it merely aims to restrict women's access to abortions and invade their privacy. There's not much time left until the voting begins, but with your voice, we can stop the attack on health care and reproductive rights. Please contact your representative today and tell them to vote NO to the Smith Bill. Every voice counts!

If you'd like to know more about H.R. 3, here is an excellent FAQ page that can give you all the details.

Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Smith bill, health care


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