Illinois action blog

Monday, January 31, 2011

Celebrities Agree: Birth Control Matters!

On January 25 in Los Angeles, celebrities like Kate Walsh and Amber Tamblyn beamed proudly as they held up their bright pink shirts in a show of support for Planned Parenthood's efforts to highlight the importance of birth control as a part of the Birth Control Matters campaign.

The event, an entertainment industry briefing, reached out to influential actors, musicians, and Hollywood executives to discuss the importance of increasing universal access to birth control methods. While most celebrity blogs profiling the event have been discussing Walsh's shoes and hair color, the actress herself was focused on the importance of the issue. "It's PP's campaign to get birth control covered under the new health plan," Walsh tweeted happily after the event.

The Birth Control Matters campaign lobbies for the availability of birth control without co-pays, allowing women to select the method of birth control that works best for them without worrying about whether or not they can afford it. Easy access to birth control is vital for helping women gain control over their bodies and make their own choices regarding their health.Eliminating co-pays is the single most important preventative measure when it comes to decreasing the number of unintentional pregnancies in America. Now more than ever, we need to show our dedication to this cause.

The Birth Control Matters campaign Web site,, offers an opportunity for you to get involved and show your passion for the effort. Sign the petition to show your support, or simply browse the news stories and personal reflections from everyday women to learn more about the issue and become informed. And don't forget to share your own stories!

Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, Birth Control Matters


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