Illinois action blog

Monday, December 6, 2010

New Poll Shows Opposition to GOP Leadership Agenda on Women’s Health

A November research poll from Hart Research suggests a strong majority of U.S. voters express opposition to a range of women’s health policies that Republican leadership in Congress have discussed introducing in the next Congress.  In contrast, the poll found strong majority support for Planned Parenthood’s agenda for proactive family planning policies.

- 77% of voters disagree with making abortion illegal, even in cases of rape or incest (including 68% of voters who voted for the Republican candidate for Congress in 2010).

- 74% disagree that teens should only receive abstinence-only education, not information about contraception or STDs (including 68% of voters who voted for the Republican candidate for Congress in 2010).

- 74% disagree with making women who choose to purchase private health insurance with their own money pay higher taxes if that includes abortion coverage (including 71% of voters who voted for the Republican candidate for Congress in 2010).
“Unlike the new leadership in the House, the vast majority of American voters clearly support taking proactive steps to prevent unintended and teen pregnancy, such as providing real sex education to young people and making birth control affordable and available,” said Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “The incoming leadership of the House should take heed that Americans clearly don’t want their elected officials imposing new ideological restrictions on women’s health and rights.”

The poll was highlighted today in Politico and in Jezebel.  Read the full memo here.
Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, women's health


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