Illinois action blog

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Women Helping Women Around the Globe

Check out this article from The New York Times by Nicholas D. Kristof. It features the stories of brave individuals who have set out to change the world in their own small ways. Using creativity and determination, they've made a difference for many people.

For example, while interning in Mozambique, Elizabeth Scharpf, a Harvard business school grad, stumbled upon a widespread problem that was a taboo topic. From the article:

"A female boss griped to Scharpf about absenteeism caused by women reluctant to come to work during their menstrual periods. “It was because pads were too expensive,” Scharpf recalls. “I was trying to figure out why I had never heard of this before. This was causing productivity rates to go down.”

Scharpf found this problem occurring in school-age girls as well, and in many other parts of the world. Young girls were missing class for fear of embarrassment. Missing class means missing vital information that is part of a proper education, ultimately leading to missed opportunities for advancement. Read the full article, titled "The D.I.Y. Foreign-Aid Revolution," to learn how Scharpf decided to solve the problem.

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