Illinois action blog

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sex Ed for Over-50s?

FPA, the sexual health charity, recently launched what they believe is the first ever safe sex education campaign in the UK targeted toward adults over 50. The campaign is in response to recent figures that show almost 13,000 men and women over the age of 45 were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection just this past year. Crazy, right?The issue may be that aging adults who no longer worry about unwanted pregnancies, tend to no longer worry about the other consequence of unprotected sex: sexually transmitted infections. But the truth is, clamydia and HIV don't age-discriminate. Sexually active individuals have to be pro-active about their sexual health, at every age.

Perhaps 20 years ago, no one would have ever felt the need for sex education provisions to men and women over the age of 50. But a lot has changed. The idea of a "normal family" is no longer what it used to be: divorce rates are sky-rocketing and the number of voluntary (and involuntary) single parents is larger than ever. With all of these changes comes a new culture of "post-marital sex." And just because it's post-marital, doesn't mean it shouldn't be safe.

We say, you can never be too old for education! The world is an ever-changing place with ever-changing trends and technologies that the over-50s should know about. With this in mind, don't you think FPA's campaign is a great idea? Afterall, when is fact-based sexual education ever a bad idea?

Called "The Middle-Aged Spread," FPA's campaign focuses on reminding its target audience (over-50s) to use protection and access sexual health clinics more regularly. FPA's intentions are to address the "Middle-Aged Spread" of STIs and unsafe sexual behavior before it gets worse. What do YOU think about FPA's new campaign?

Read this New York Times article for more information on FPA's campaign. And for information on how YOU can stay safe at every age, check out the information provided on Planned Parenthood's web site!

Technorati tags: safe sex, sex education, over-50s, New York Times


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