Illinois action blog

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Campaign for Comprehensive Sex Ed in IL

Comprehensive sexual health education has been proven time and time again to be effective at delaying and reducing sexual activity and reducing rates of teen pregnancy and STI transmission, yet Illinois does not currently require comprehensive sex education to be taught in public schools. This means that:
  • Not all Illinois youth are receiving accurate, honest information about their sexual health

  • Illinois public schools do not have any guidelines on what to teach when it comes to sexual health education.

The lack of education is hurting Illinois youth. Illinois ranks 18th out of all states for teen birth rates, 3rd for the highest rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea infections, and 6th for the highest rates of HIV transmission.

We need to ensure that our young people have the information and tools they need to make healthy, responsible decisions and to protect themselves from infection. Can you join our campaign to bring medically accurate, age-appropriate, comprehensive sex education to Illinois youth? Please sign our petition today!

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