Illinois action blog

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lobby Day Live: A Reflection

Lobby Day was a success!

Our activists spoke to a large number of state legislators and conveyed the importance of the Reproductive Health and Access Act (RHAA). Many of these representatives were receptive and willing to have constructive discussion with our advocates.

Here are some reactions from our wonderful supporters about their experience and why they decided to come out to Lobby Day today:

"I found a lot of support with the state rep I spoke with. My experience was great. I was able to really connect with my rep, and I am encouraged to continue doing work like this. " - Sandy, campaign supporter

"The bill is so important, because people need access and affordable health care. It was good to dialogue with these representatives, even the ones from conservative areas. As long as we are still talking, we are making headway." - Natalie, campaign supporter

Thank you so much to our wonderful volunteers and supporters that were willing to come to Springfield today, and help us make lobby day such a success!

Technorati tags: RHAA, Lobby Day


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