Illinois action blog

Monday, February 22, 2010

Not Quite Equal Yet

Let's face it, women in America are not equal. Jessica Valenti comments on this fact in her Washington Post article entitled "For women in America, equality is still an illusion."

Her main point: those who have the ability to look at the disparities within our own country have a responsibility to not only recognize gender inequality, but also fight to against it.

Inequality spans a wide range of issues within American society; one of the biggest examples being the rate of assault against women. According to Valenti, the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center projects that the number of women that were sexually assaulted in 2008 is over 1 million.

She continues to say, "The distressing statistics don't stop with violence: Women hold 17 percent of the seats in Congress; abortion is legal, but more than 85 percent of counties in the United States have no provider; women work outside the home, but they make about 76 cents to a man's dollar and make up the majority of Americans living in poverty."

There are horrible atrocities occurring all over the world, but we cannot overlook the atrocities that occur every day in the US of A.

Read Jessica Valenti's full article in the Washington Post.

Technorati tags: Jessica Valenti,, gender inequality


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