Illinois action blog

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

National Condom Week!!!

February 14 - 21 is National Condom Week!

In celebration of this week, all PPIL health centers will distribute free condoms!

Check out the PPIL website to find the Planned Parenthood health center closest to you!

According to the CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention), Illinois is ranked 8th in the US for the rate of cases of gonorrhea in 2008, and 9th in rate of chlamydia cases.

The spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be prevented!! Use a condom!!

When you use condoms consistenly and correctly, they significantly reduce the risk of STIs, and condoms are 97% effective in preventing unintended pregnancies.

Condoms are the only form of birth control that also prevent the spread of disease.

For more info, read the PPIL National Condom Week Press Release.

Technorati tags: National Condom Week, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, STIs


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