Illinois action blog

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Anti-Choice Group Pressures Congress

Operation Rescue, an avid anti-choice organization, is recruiting truck drivers in Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma to display large scale images of aborted fetuses on their trucks in specific Congressional districts.

According to the Operation Rescue website, this campaign is designed to pressure Blue Dog Democratic members of Congress not to "compromise on taxpayer funded abortion in the looming health care bill."

The truth, however, is that the bill that the US House of Representatives passed in early November has no language that would allot tax-payer dollars to pay for abortions.

This organization is using graphic images to spread misinformation all over these four states in an effort to strip every woman in America of their right to control their own bodies.

Ploys like this one make it even more important that we urge our Representatives to protect our right to choose.

Technorati tags: Blue Dog Democrats, Operation Rescue, right to choose


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