Illinois action blog

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Activists Spark Debate in Santa Fe, NM

It has been nearly 37 years (Friday is the anniversary!) since the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in America.

Today, the debate still rages over abortion and reproductive rights. Politicians and anti-choice organizations in many states and conservative areas all over the nation are working to weaken the constitutional right to privacy that makes abortion legal.

In Congress, as we see with legislation like the Stupak Amendment, politicians also threaten this freedom on a federal level.

Pro-choice activists in Santa Fe, New Mexico attempt to spark debate in the face of the biggest threat to reproductive rights in almost four decades. Many plan to wear these T-shirts in an effort to de-stigmatize abortion and spark discussion.

Janet Gotkin, a member of NOW, the National Organization for Women, mentioned that the Santa Fe chapter of their organization was not very mobilized prior to the passing of the Stupak Amendment. In fact, she gave thanks to Stupak for jump starting this activism in New Mexico, which it has not seen for some time.

Gotkin and fellow NOW member Dana Middleton are planning a rally in Santa Fe for tomorrow to celebrate Roe v. Wade. "We're holding this rally to reaffirm that abortion is a safe medical procedure in the mainstream of medical practice, and that we need to start talking about reproductive health for women."

Read more about Gotkin and Middleton's efforts.

Technorati tags: National Organization for Women, Roe v. Wade, reproductive freedom


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