Illinois action blog

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Efforts to Prevent STIs in Illinois

On January 1, 2010, Illinois will join a list of 20 other states that allow health care professionals to treat the partners of individuals diagnosed with chlamydia and gonorrhea without examining them.

This practice, known as "expedited partner therapy," is used to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as to ensure the recovery of diagnosed patients. It works by doctors and health care professionals giving a diagnosed individual a dose of antibiotics or a prescription for antibiotics that they can give to their partner or partners.

In some cases, individuals will recover from an STI just to be reinfected by a partner. This new effort is working to prevent this from happening.

For more information about this exciting new legislation, check out this article by Dean Olsen from the State Journal-Register.

Check out these helpful tips on how to talk to your partner or partners about STI prevent and condom use, check out this helpful guide.

Also, here are is information on how to have safer sex.

Technorati tags: prevention, STIs, Planned Parenthood of Illinois


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