Illinois action blog

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

National Condom Week: Protect Yourself with Free Condoms from PPIL!

National Condom Week began on Valentine’s Day, February 14, and to recognize both, all 19 Planned Parenthood of Illinois health centers will be giving away FREE CONDOMS between February 14 and February 21.

“Condoms used consistently and correctly provide the best protection against sexually transmitted infections for sexually active women and men. They also protect against unintended pregnancy,” said Steve Trombley, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Illinois. “Women, men and teens need to know how to protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies.”

The CDC reports the teen birthrate is on the rise, and that young women are more affected by sexually transmitted infections (STI) and have greater risks associated with STIs. Additionally, in 2007, the CDC conducted a survey of Youth Risk Behavior for students in grades nine-12.

Here in Illinois, they found:

· 50.1 percent of high school students had ever had sexual intercourse
· 15.8 percent of high school students had had sex with four or more people in their life
· 37.4 percent of high school students are currently sexually active
· 64.8 percent of sexually active high school students reported condom use during their last sexual intercourse

“With an estimated 750,000 teenage girls becoming pregnant this year and nearly four million teens contracting a sexually transmitted infection, it is time to reject policies that aren’t working and embrace those that help teens make responsible decisions about protecting their health and avoiding unintended pregnancies,” said Trombley.

For more information, click here to find the PPIL health center nearest you.

Technorati tags: Planned Parenthood, National Condom Week, sexually transmitted infections,


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