Illinois action blog

Monday, June 9, 2008

Take Action for Reproductive Justice! Make your voice count.

Today we launched our e-petition in support of the Reproductive Justice and Access Act! The bill (HB 5615) would guarantee that each individual in our state has access to a full range of reproductive health care services and that every woman has as many options as possible when facing an unintended pregnancy.

Specifically, the Reproductive Justice and Access Act will:
• Ensure each individual has access to a full range of options in making decisions about their reproductive heath care.
• Reduce unintended pregnancies through comprehensive sex education.
• Expand access to birth control, including emergency contraception.
• Ensure that the government cannot interfere with an individual's right to have a child or to safely terminate a pregnancy.

Whatever an individual’s unique situation, each one of us deserves the ability to make personal decisions about our bodies, our health care, and our reproduction without government interference.

Please support this bill by signing our e-petition and then forwarding it to five friends!

Learn more
: Read about HB5615.

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