Illinois action blog

Monday, October 29, 2007


When I signed on to write for this blog, I knew it would be a short term project and that was fine with me. As my partner said, "Do you really have time for this?" in my insanely hectic life? My response was, "For this, I will put off everything else." And I pretty much did because this issue, reproductive justice, means that much to me. All the other bits of my life add up to me working and fighting for reproductive justice, so calling a time-out on other projects wasn't a big deal.

Now we are all a month older and my time has expired. It's bittersweet, but I'm happy and proud to have helped this lil blog grow into a bigger and better one. Carrie will be posting soon about the future of the blog and oh, yes, there is a future. You won't want to miss it.

Organizations are spitting out blogs left and right because "blogs are hot." Rarely do you see an organization take the time to not only find someone with a blogging past to help develop a blog, but also to listen to them with open ears. Building a blog is much more than just typing a few words a day on a site. There is outreach, commenting, marketing, and a load of other stuff to make a blog more than just another place on the internet and meaningful to one's audience. And gosh darnit, it's tiring and hard. Considering that I've done more in four weeks for this blog than in seven years for my private one explains why I have 5 readers. That's not pity, just reality. This is hard work folks.

As I ride away in my hybrid, don't be a stranger. I'll try to guest blog here from time to time, but I also do write in other places. Please come and visit...The mommy blogging isn't just about spit-up and catty playdates.

To Carrie & the rest of the PPCA crew, thanks again for this fabulous opportunity.

To the readers, stay tuned.

To my family, thanks for putting up with an even more blog-obsessed me.

To my writing partners, thanks for giving me the time I needed.

To the wonderful bloggers out there who answered my call for help with this project, I'm in your debt.


I blog over at Chicago Parent, Chicago Moms Blog, and my personal site, Viva La Feminista!


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