Illinois action blog

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Senate stands up for abortion providers

The Chicago Tribune reported on Thursday that the US Senate beat back an amendment offered by "Sen. David Vitter, R-La., to stop funding health clinics, Planned Parenthood and other providers of reproductive health services if they use money from nonfederal sources to perform abortions." I know Sen. Vitter is opposed to providing condoms to sex workers internationally, so he's not for birth control at all or even for keeping one's self safe from STD/STI/HIV infection. Thus, it's not just abortion he is opposed to. Planned Parenthood could stop doing abortions and he's still try to find a way to cut off funding.

Yet according to a recent CBS poll on white Evangelicals, 26% of all respondents (not just Evangelicals) said it should be legal all the time. An additional 16% said yes, but with greater restrictions, 34% only for rape, incest, or to save the woman's life. That right there is a total of 76% who want abortion available. An additional 16% would reserve abortion for just saving a woman's life.

Sure, we can be negative and think only 26% support full abortion rights, but I know many pro-choice folks who do want some legal restrictions. I don't support most of them (I'd be in the 26%), but I understand their rational. But bottom-line, would you make abortion illegal and I'd say that a large majority of Americans would say no. Most of us don't like the idea of abortion, but know that we need it.

And as Senator Boxer said, "His amendment will do nothing to reduce abortions," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. "It will make contraceptives harder to get, so it will increase the number of unintended pregnancies."

If Sen. Vitter wants a poll on birth control, I'm sure we'd win hands down.

HT to Kaiser Network

technorati tags: Planned Parenthood Aurora, abortion, Senate, Title X, birth control

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