Illinois action blog

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How "pro-lifers" promote abortion

Our friend Terry Cosgrove, at Personal PAC, has published an excellent piece at The Huffington Post that spells out how so-called "pro-life" advocates actually promote abortion. Terry points to the hypocrisy of anti-abortion forces' policies - like opposing birth control and comprehensive sex education in schools - which actually result in more unintended pregnancies and higher abortion rates.

Terry writes, "U.S. teenagers have higher pregnancy rates, birthrates and abortion rates than adolescents in other developed countries. The primary reason is that those nations don't allow political extremists to dictate reproductive health policy. In countries with the lowest abortion rates, women's health and well being do not take a back seat to politics."

It's an excellent critique. Read the whole piece here.

Planned Parenthood Aurora


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