Illinois action blog

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Faux News

This is a screen shot from a piece FOX News did on the clinic at least a week ago. I just found it on YouTube and couldn't even finish watching it. It wasn't that I was disgusted with the not-even-close attempt to be unbiased, but I was laughing too hard at this the "evil-wash" that FOX did of CEO and President Steve Trombley.

I didn't even know Photoshop had an evil setting!

The day after the clinic opened I saw 5-6 different news outlets with headlines that used the word "allowed" in it. "Clinic allowed to open." NOTE: The Chicago Tribune changed the headline, but do a news search and you'll see it. That's not even counting the many many headlines that said "abortion clinic" instead of referring to the clinic as a women's health clinic.

I'm happier to report that during our press conference a week ago most of the local reporters asked questions that were clearly unbiased. The terminology used, the angles they went for, showed that they understand the issues at hand and wanted to report the facts.

Not only am I a reproductive justice activist, but I also keep an eye on media reform issues.

The reporting on the opening of the clinic is a prime example of how unbalanced media has become. Yes, we will do abortions at this clinic, but 90% of the services done will be STI/STD testing/treatment, birth control education/dispensing, and overall well-woman care (annual pap smears, breast exams, etc.).

For many women who use Planned Parenthood clinics, the doctor/nurse/nurse practitioner/midwife may be the ONLY medical professional they see over a course of years.

When the Wal-Mart opened in Chicago after a much longer political fight, the headlines did not say "Wal-Mart Allowed to Open" rather headlines pointed out the long lines for jobs and inexpensive items people wanted. Where is the headline "Hundreds flood clinic lines"? Because that is what happened. Our phone lines have been off the hook. But you'd never know that if you read the mainstream media.

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