Illinois action blog

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This is the Opposition?

In the Tribune this morning, Eric Zorn has a piece that does a good job of getting into the mindset of Joe Scheidler, one of the principle anti-choice leaders who has been fighting to keep our clinic closed. The most telling quote:

"We don't play footsie,…[w]e use whatever legal means we can to stop abortion."

Zorn goes on to discuss some of the underhanded tactics that Scheidler’s group has used, such as demonstrating in front of our contractors’ homes, and photographing their license plates. Scheidler is shameless in his explanation of these intimidation tactics. In responding to the allegations he said:

“And one way to discourage them from working there is to find out where they live, then go into their neighborhoods with a protest to let their neighbors know what they do for a living.”

This is the rational, peaceful demonstration leader that the press have made him out to be up to this point? Click here to read the full story. Here’s some more actual quote from Scheidler:

For instance, several years ago we tracked down a twelve-year-old girl who was going to have an abortion so that we could talk her out of it. Talking a woman out of having an abortion is not news. But tracking her down by using a private detective is.
Joseph Schiedler, The Director Pro Life Action League, Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion, 1985

They want abortion. It is necessary to their filthy lifestyle. We've got a cesspool instead of morality. If we don't start imposing our morality, we are going to drown in their immorality.

MAN WITH A MISSION JOE SCHEIDLER PULLS NO PUNCHES IN HIS CRUSADE AGAINST ABORTION, interview with Linda Witt, Chicago Tribune, August 11, 1985 Sunday

These are the people that have been trying to paint us as an extremist organization?! If you want to know what the average Planned Parenthood support looks like in contrast, you need go no further than our interviews from last week.

This is why we’re asking you to come to our rally tonight at 5:00 in front of the Aurora City Hall. Show the city of Aurora that we are the mainstream, rational ones, out looking to improve health care in our communities. If you live out-of-state, click here for more info on how you can become involved.

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