Illinois action blog

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Keep the momentum going...

As you've seen from past posts on this blog, something incredible happened Tuesday night in Aurora. Nearly 300 Planned Parenthood supporters created a sea of pink t-shirts in front of the Aurora city hall to rally for the opening of our health center. It was an incredible night.

Help us keep the momentum going! Please join us at Aurora City Hall this Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 4 pm. We'll have staff in the meeting, so the earlier you can get there the more likely you are to be able to join us inside (the meeting itself starts at 5 pm). The address is 44 E. Downer Place, 5th floor conference room, Downtown Aurora.

The deadline for the city's review of our permitting process is the end of this week so we anticipate that it will be discussed at Tuesday's meeting. While we've been told that there won't be a public comment period at this meeting, it is open to the public. For those of you that didn't pick up a shirt last Tuesday, we'll have t-shirts and signs available outside until we run out.

Thanks for helping us turn the tide on the opposition! We are especially grateful to all of the courageous Aurora residents who spoke in favor of our health center at last Tuesday's meeting. See you soon!


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