GYT: Get Yourself Talking, Get Yourself Tested

TODAY marks the return of GYT: Get Yourself Tested, an advocacy campaign designed to motivate individuals to take charge of their sexual health!!!
April is National STD Awareness Month.
So what is the big deal? One in four teen girls in the U.S. have at least one common STD. Other estimates find that as many as one in two sexually-active young people will contract an STD by the time they are 25, and most won't know it.
It's time to GYT. Find a testing center near you.
Why is STD testing so taboo? Let's start talking:
- Initiate the conversation. Check out talking tips on how to talk to your partner about STD testing or your desire to use condoms.
- You have to ask to get tested. Here are tips on how to ask your doctor about STD testing.
Get the latest news and events on the GYT Facebook page. Become a fan.Follow @GYTnow on Twitter. Get Yourself Talking, Get Yourself Tested.
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